GA-Sen: Chambliss Leads the Field, But Martin in Best Shape

Rasmussen (6/26, likely voters, 6/4 in parens):

Dale Cardwell (D): 33 (37)

Saxby Chambliss (R-inc): 53 (52)

Vernon Jones (D): 30 (33)

Saxby Chambliss (R-inc): 57 (56)

Jim Martin (D): 39 (36)

Saxby Chambliss (R-inc): 52 (52)

Rand Knight (D): 31

Saxby Chambliss (R-inc): 55

Josh Lanier (D): 31

Saxby Chambliss (R-inc): 54

(MoE: ±4.5%)

Not surprisingly, Jones’ favorables are atrocious, with a full 60% having an unfavorable opinion of the controversial DeKalb CEO. I know that Rand Knight and other candidates have their fans on the blogs, but I feel that Martin is the only candidate who will have the resources he needs to defeat Jones in the runoff. Jones and his baggage could be a major hindrance on the Georgia Democratic ticket in November if he makes it through the primary.

22 thoughts on “GA-Sen: Chambliss Leads the Field, But Martin in Best Shape”

  1. Does anyone have a good read as to who they think will win?  The only poll I’ve seen is a few months old and had Jones leading.  I really hope Martin wins it.

  2.     He has perhaps the highest name recognition and the worst performance against Chambliss.  Could it be that Chambliss is vulnerable against Jim Martin?  I guess John Ensign wasn’t kidding when he expressed worry about Chambliss’ reelection campaign.  

  3. . . . tell me that they, and all the Democrats they know, are voting for Jim Martin in the primary, since they all agree that he has the best chance against Chambliss. It should also be noted that Chambliss is taking heat right now for his vote last week to cut Medicare funding.  His vote was the single vote that tipped the balance the wrong way on the bill.  So, according to what my Atlanta friends told me, there will be a backlash.

    I should also note that Barack Obama voted correctly on the issue . . . but John McCain was nowhere to be found.  I hope the Obama campaign uses McCain's absence on that particular bill as a major issue. 

  4. Martin only 13 points behind Saxy after just starting his TV blitz?

    Let’s hope Martin makes it into the runoff against Jones and beats him because then this might just become a race! And oh how I’d like to get revenge against Saxy for what he did to Max.

    1. on both counts(this is what most scares me about jones winning the first ballot without the run-off);if jones wins the primary outright, the dscc will never back him in the general(they will back martin only)

  5. I live in Georgia.  Right now, I’m definitely leaning toward Rand Knight.  I’m trying to find an analogy for Jim Martin, but I’m not finding one that quite fits, although Tammy Baldwin and John Kerry are coming to mind.  Martin sounds good on paper: has run statewide and did reasonably well considering the political winds.  He’s held elected office before.

    However, I worry that Martin lacks the drive and intensity to outwork Chambless.  The fact that, despite his frontrunner status, he lost the endorsements of the Georgia AFL-CIO, the Georgia Association of Educators, and the largest local Teamsters chapter to Rand Knight should make everyone take notice about not only Rand Knight’s rise, but the shakey ground Martin is on.

    I liked what I saw from Martin’s ad, but I like Knight’s stances and his work ethic.  I might change my mind, but I’m for Knight right now.

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